Tier 4: Stay at Home - GOV.UKWhat you can and cannot do in areas with a very rapidly rising level of infections, where tighter restrictions are in place from 20 December.tagged: 20-12-2020
Netlify Functions ExamplesHi there! This is a playground to test out Netlify’s Lambda Functions.tagged: netlifylambda19-12-2020
Serverless Framework - AWS Lambda Guide - Deployingserverless deploytagged: serverlessdeployment19-12-2020
Save Your Hands and Save Your Time: Rethinking How to Use a Keyboard from @johnlindquist on @eggheadiotagged: shortcutseggheadkarabina19-12-2020
Doctrine Patterns - WardleyPediaThese are patterns that are universally useful. Although they are all useful, there is a priority to their usefulness. Start with the Phase I patterns first, and work to adopt the later phases after earlier phases are more or less mastered. This list of doctrine patterns can be used as a checklist to evaluate an organization, but simply ticking all the boxes won’t make an organization healthy. Each doctrine is a skill or habit, so the real goal is to train the organization to repeatedly use each skill.tagged: doctrinepatternsdoctine-patterns18-12-2020
Doctrine assessmentWardley's Doctrine (universally useful patterns that a user can apply regardless of context)tagged: wardley-mapsdoctrineswardleyphases18-12-2020
Handy CSS properties for easing functionsHandy CSS properties for easing functionstagged: csseasinganimationssimon-mcmanus18-12-2020
chingyaoc/photo-editing-tensorflow: Photo Optimizing Adversarial Net with Policy Gradient MethodPhoto retouching is a time-consuming and challenging task that requires advanced skills beyond the abilities of casual photographers. This project aims to construct an agent which learns to edit photo in human-like fashion. Recently, theres has been lots of tasks enhance their robustness and performance via adversarial learning. We borrow the concept of adversarial learning into photo aesthetic improving task, and use the policy gradient to optimize the policy network whose action space is human-like.tagged: ganface-meshface-trackingfacephotoediting11-12-2020
Human Skin Color Classification Using The Threshold Classifier: RGB, YCbCr, HSV(Python Code) | by Mahmoud Harmouch | The Startup | Mediumtagged: maskingstoneskincolour11-12-2020
Use face-api.js on node jsfs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(baseDir, fileName), buf)tagged: faceapinodetensortensorflow11-12-2020