necolas/react-native-web: React Native for Web"React Native for Web" makes it possible to run React Native components and APIs on the web using React DOM.tagged: reactweb11-08-2020
Choreography vs Orchestration in the land of serverless | theburningmonk.comIn orchestration, there is a controller (the ‘orchestrator’) that controls the interaction between services. It dictates the control flow of the business logic and is responsible for making sure that everything happens on cue. This follows the request-response paradigm.In choreography, every service works independently. There are no hard dependencies between them, and they are loosely coupled only through shared events. Each service listens for events that it’s interested in and does its own thing. This follows the event-driven paradigm.tagged: serverlessorchestrationchoreography11-08-2020
musicForProgramming("60: TUNDRA");A series of mixes intended for listening while '+task+' to aid concentration and increase productivity (also compatible with other activities).tagged: 03-08-2020
Handling user authentication with Firebase in your React apps - LogRocket BlogHandling user authentication with Firebase in your React appstagged: firebasereact31-07-2020
Jest CLI Options · JestThe jest command line runner has a number of useful options. You can run jest --help to view all available options. Many of the options shown below can also be used together to run tests exactly the way you want. Every one of Jest's Configuration options can also be specified through the CLI.tagged: jestcheck-list29-07-2020
Communicating with spawned and invoked xstate actors in React | by Ismayil Khayredinov | ITNEXTCommunicating with spawned and invoked xstate actors in Reacttagged: x-statereactactors24-07-2020
Guidelines for State Machines and XState | Kyle ShevlinThis exists as a living document to define some guidelines regarding state machines and their usage. These guidelines are by no means exhaustive, but hopefully set you on the right path. It is highly recommended that you read the XState docs for more information.tagged: x-statestatestate-machines24-07-2020
Flutter - Beautiful native apps in record timeFlutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.tagged: uikitchen23-07-2020
node.js - How to set _auth for a scoped registry in .npmrc? - Stack OverflowHow to set _auth for a scoped registry in .npmrc?tagged: 22-07-2020
Fastly Image Optimizer API | Fastly Help GuidesThe Fastly Image Optimizer is a real-time image manipulation and optimization service that drastically speeds up image delivery by serving pixel perfect, bandwidth efficient images to internet users, whatever device they are using.tagged: fastlyimages20-07-2020
Kafka uses common errors and solutions - Programmer SoughtSolution: Modify the value of num.partitions. The number of partitions created by partitions when creating the topic is only valid for the newly created topic. All values should be set as reasonable as possible during project planning. Can also be dynamically expanded through the command line ()tagged: kafka17-07-2020