Error "Could not find the leader" when Kafka server restarts · Issue #569 · SOHU-Co/kafka-nodeclient.loadMetadataForTopics(topics, (error, metadata) => { const err = error || metadata[1] && metadata[1].error; if (err) { logger.warn(`Error getting metadata for ${topics}: ${err.stack || err.message}`, err); throw err; } updateMetadatas(metadata);});tagged: kafka17-07-2020
App Clips - Apple DeveloperApp clips are a great way for users to quickly access and experience what your app has to offer. An app clip is a small part of your app that’s discoverable at the moment it’s needed. App clips are fast and lightweight so a user can open them quickly. Whether they're ordering take-out from a restaurant, renting a scooter, or setting up a new connected appliance for the first time, users will be able to start and finish an experience from your app in seconds. And when they’re done, you can offer the opportunity to download your full app.tagged: progressive-web-appsapp-storeios13-07-2020
Configuring CircleCI - CircleCIThis document is a reference for the CircleCI 2.x configuration keys that are used in the config.yml file. The presence of a .circleci/config.yml file in your CircleCI-authorized repository branch indicates that you want to use the 2.x infrastructure.You can see a complete config.yml in our full example.Note: If you already have a CircleCI 1.0 configuration, the config.yml file allows you to test 2.x builds on a separate branch, leaving any existing configuration in the old circle.yml style unaffected and running on the CircleCI 1.0 infrastructure in branches that do not contain .circleci/config.yml.tagged: circleciv208-07-2020
Worker Threads | Node.js v14.5.0 DocumentationThe worker_threads module enables the use of threads that execute JavaScript in parallel. To access it:tagged: workersthreadsnode07-07-2020
make module context-aware · Issue #1394 · Automattic/node-canvasI've been experimenting with worker threads in node.js recently and noticed that the canvas module does not appear to be context-aware. In other words, the module will load/instantiate once, but as soon as another thread attempts to require canvas for it's own use, the following error is thrown:tagged: canvasthreadingnode-canvas07-07-2020
Worker Threads with TypeScript - Node.js TypeScript #12The Node.js and JavaScript are often perceived as a single-threaded but in this series, we prove that it is not entirely true. Node.js creates threads when performing Input/Output operations. Not only that, but we can also create additional processes. While the above does not count yet as multithreading, in this article we begin to cover the basics of TypeScript Worker Threads and explore how they work and compare them to other ways of running JavaScript in parallel that we’ve used so far.tagged: nodethreads07-07-2020
canvas-webworker - npmPure JavaScript Canvas implimentation that can be used in WebWorkersWebWorkers are great when long scripts has to be excuted while the main program has to keep running (cannot be blocked). When a complex image has to be generated, for instance a large texture for a game, the generation can be blocking for the game. A solution would be to generate the texture in a WebWorker. Due to the fact that the HTMLCanvasElement cannot be accecssed in the WebWorker this is fairly difficult. Using this pure JavaScript a Canvas polyfill can be used. Drawing is not hardware accerated so it will be slower compaired to a regular canvas but the programm will remain non-blocking.tagged: canvasweb-workers06-07-2020
Worker threads and multithreading in Node.js - Blog by Piotr DuperasMy life seemed to be a series of events and accidents. Yet when I look back I see a pattern.tagged: nodeworkers06-07-2020
Using Workflows to Schedule Jobs - CircleCIConfigure a job to get saved data by configuring the attach_workspace key. The following config.yml file defines two jobs where the downstream job uses the artifact of the flow job. The workflow configuration is sequential, so that downstream requires flow to finish before it can start.tagged: circleciworkspaces03-07-2020