Automatic persisted queries - Apollo Server - Apollo GraphQL DocsThe size of individual GraphQL query strings can be a major pain point. Apollo Server implements Automatic Persisted Queries (APQ), a technique that greatly improves network performance for GraphQL with zero build-time configuration. A persisted query is an ID or hash that can be sent to the server instead of the entire GraphQL query string. This smaller signature reduces bandwidth utilization and speeds up client loading times. Persisted queries are especially nice paired with GET requests, enabling the browser cache and integration with a CDN.tagged: apollographqlqueriesperformance22-05-2020
The Chelsea Diaries: Thatch and Wind - Roger Platts Garden Design and Nurseriestagged: gardenstructuresthatched18-05-2020
prisma - npmPrisma replaces traditional ORMs and simplifies database workflows:Access: Type-safe database access with the auto-generated Prisma client (in JavaScript, TypeScript, Go)Migrate: Declarative data modelling and migrations (optional)Manage: Visual data management with Prisma AdminIt is used to build GraphQL, REST, gRPC APIs and more. Prisma currently supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.tagged: databasesapis12-05-2020
Ubbink Brisbane 60 Stainless Steel Waterfall Blade for Garden Pond | Brisbane 60 Stainless Steel Waterfall Blade for Garden Pondtagged: pondwaterblade07-05-2020
jsPerf: JavaScript performance playgroundjsPerf aims to provide an easy way to create and share test cases, comparing the performance of different JavaScript snippets by running benchmarks. For more information, see the FAQ.tagged: jsperfperformance07-05-2020
Is it time for a Web Performance rebrand? – Simon HearneWeb performance has been a hot topic in web development and browser engineering since the first public web pages. The first book on the topic, Web Performance Tuning: Speeding Up the Web was published in 1998, with Steve Souders kicking off the Web Performance Optimisation industry when he published his book High Performance Websites nine years later in 2007.tagged: performancebranding05-05-2020
WPT-Compare - WebPageTest comparison URL generatorQuickly generate the correct URL for comparing WebPageTest runs. It should also work with custom instances and SpeedCurve URL's.Simply enter a set of test URL's (e.g. and click 'Generate'.tagged: speedperfcompareperformance04-05-2020
A NodeJS Dual Module Deep Dive - Andrea Giammarchi - MediumThe latest node, version 13.10, unflagged --experimental-modules and dropped most related loader warnings, so that using standard ECMAScript modules is finally possible, and without any surrounding uncertainty.tagged: es-modulescost-of-js04-05-2020
Roads for Success Navigating Docs | Kyle Gill | Developer & DesignerAfter a year being closely involved on the docs for Gatsby, I’ve learned a thing or two and have started seeing patterns in it and other projects about what can make them successful.tagged: documentationroadsgatsby03-05-2020
How to Cancel a Fetch RequestJavaScript promises have always been a major win for the language -- they've led to a revolution of asynchronous coding that has vastly improved performance on the web. One shortcoming of native promises is that there's no true way to cancel a fetch...until now. A new AbortController has been added to the JavaScript specification that will allow developers to use a signal to abort one or multiple fetch calls.tagged: fetchabortspeclatejs01-05-2020
Optimizing Your GraphQL Request Waterfalls - Apollo BlogAs a technology, GraphQL is starting to gain traction. There are server implementations in a good selection of languages, and client support isn’t far behind. If you want to build your own GraphQL server, there’s plenty of information out there, but if you want to build an efficient one, there’s less guidance. I’ve been using GraphQL since it was a technical candidate, and have made plenty of mistakes along the way, but have been successful in making my GraphQL servers perform roughly as well as bespoke static endpoints.tagged: graphql29-04-2020
Looking at - Matthew SomervilleLast weekend I got annoyed by an issue that had been closed on the GitHub repo of the UK’s coronavirus dashboard. The issue was about the site not working at all without JavaScript and whether it could do so, and the closure comment said: “That's unfortunately impossible. The entire service has been implemented in JavaScript (not just the map).” Bit of a red rag to a bull, so I wrote a version that worked fine without JavaScript in a few hours on Sunday morning, and also used far less bandwidth/CPU/etc, stuck it up on my website, and tweeted about it.tagged: cost-of-jscovid-19pandemic27-04-2020
UK Retail Tenders, global United Kingdom Retail Tenders, world Retail Tenders United Kingdom Retail government Tenders Retail Tenders RFP RFQ RFIBelow are the United Kingdom tender notices, project information, procurement news, procurement plans, contract awards from Retail Sectortagged: retailtenderdotjs27-04-2020
TED home - TED Tenders Electronic DailyWhat is TED?TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) is the online version of the 'Supplement to the Official Journal' of the EU, dedicated to European public procurement.TED publishes 622 thousand procurement notices a year, including 244 thousand calls for tenders which are worth approximately €545 billion.tagged: procurementtedtenders27-04-2020
98.css - A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs98.css is a CSS library for building interfaces that look like Windows 98. See more on GitHub.tagged: windowswindows-98css22-04-2020