DebugBear | Front-end website monitoringTrack front-end performance and quality metrics for your production site and in CI.Compare results and see what caused the problem.tagged: monitoringperformancetracking14-04-2020
Professional productive desk setups from the creative community for your inpirationPeak Setups is the place for creatives to showcase and share their inspirational and productive desk setups and workspaces with like-minded people. Discover apps, hardware, tips and tricks you never knew existed, to get work done.tagged: desksetup14-04-2020
Belgian-Dutch Study: Why in times of COVID-19 you can not walk/run/bike close to each other.What is a safe distance when running, biking and walking during COVID-19 times? It is further than the typical 1–2 meter as prescribed in different countries!tagged: distancecovid09-04-2020
Find all Internal Links | CSS-TricksFind all links that start with the sites domain, a slash, relative file path, or a hashtag.tagged: speclatereact-router@409-04-2020
How to not make a résumé in React | Eric BaileyHow to not make a résumé in Reacttagged: resumereact08-04-2020
Contracts FinderFind a contractExplore and search business opportunitiestagged: governmentukgovukprocurment08-04-2020
There is No Spotify Model for Scaling Agile - Business 2 CommunityRecently a client told me that they were adopting the Spotify Model. Which sounded great at first. Spotify has published some great articles and videos about how they have grown and transformed their organization to be agile. Then it occurred to me that what he was saying was completely wrong.tagged: spotifyagilebusinessmodelscaling08-04-2020
[LIVE] Who's freezing hiring from coronavirus | CandorList of companys and their hiring statustagged: hiring08-04-2020
SCS: Self-Contained SystemsThe Self-contained System (SCS) approach is an architecture that focuses on a separation of the functionality into many independent systems, making the complete logical system a collaboration of many smaller software systems. This avoids the problem of large monoliths that grow constantly and eventually become unmaintainable. Over the past few years, we have seen its benefits in many mid-sized and large-scale projects.tagged: scs06-04-2020
Master Search: TheGenealogistName: Emmanuel OvertonCounty: LondonYear: 1914tagged: gravegarden05-04-2020
Local recycling | Recycle NowRecycling LocatorHelping you recycle and pass on your unwanted items for re-usetagged: recycling03-04-2020
PDFTron - PDF SDK with 100's of Features, Fast SetupBring PDF, CAD, & MS Office capabilities to any softwaretagged: pdf02-04-2020
Descript | Create podcasts, videos, and transcriptsEdit audio by editing text. Drag and drop to add music and sound effects.tagged: podcastlnug01-04-2020