Monads on the Cheap I: The Maybe MonadDon’t worry, this isn’t YAMT (Yet Another Monad Tutorial ). This is a practical post about a code smell that afflicts everyday code, and about an idiom that eliminates that smell. It just so happens that this idiom corresponds to one of the uses for monads in Haskell, but that’s just theory behind the practice, and I’ve saved the theory for the end.tagged: chainingjsjavascript09-02-2020
MetricsUser-centric performance metrics are a critical tool in understanding and improving the experience of your site in a way that benefits real users.tagged: measurewebperformanceux31-01-2020
complate: declarative, component-oriented HTML templatingModern JavaScript frameworks come with batteries included and everything but the kitchen sink.We do a lot less and we think that is a good thing.complate provides a lightweight JSX implementation to allow us to write declarative component-based templates (macros).tagged: frameworks29-01-2020
Anatomy of a Bug Report · ariya.ioed in a step-by-step fashion. Each step must be clear to everyone who is familiar with the product but not necessarily aware of the problem yet. The complete set of the described steps needs to be minimal, it should only contain the absolute minimum of steps ttagged: bugs23-01-2020
Design System ChecklistAn open-source checklist to help you plan, build and grow your design system.tagged: design-systemscheck-list22-01-2020
Modules | VuexDue to using a single state tree, all state of our application is contained inside one big object. However, as our application grows in scale, the store can get really bloated.tagged: vuemodules13-01-2020
Biology and Control of Non-Biting Aquatic Midges | NC State Extension PublicationsNon-biting midge flies or chironomids commonly occur in both inland and coastal areas with natural and man-made bodies of water. These midges are commonly known as “blind mosquitoes” because they are mosquito-like in appearance but do not bite. Midges are also called “fuzzy bills” because of the male’s bushy antennae (Figure 1). These aquatic insects are tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions. Chironomid midges can be found in swift moving streams, deep slow moving rivers, stagnant ditches, and in lakes and ponds that are rich in decomposing organic matter. The presence of certain chironomid midge species is often an indicator of water quality issues.tagged: midgespond09-01-2020
Troubleshooting | Vue CLIIf there're dependencies installed by npm link or yarn link, ESLint (and sometimes Babel as well) may not work properly for those symlinked dependencies. It is because webpack resolves symlinks to their real locations by default, thus breaks ESLint / Babel config lookup.tagged: linksvue09-01-2020
The Death of Microservice Madness in 2018I'm going to describe in detail what microservices are, why the pattern is so appealing, and also some of the key challenges that they present.tagged: microservices08-01-2020
Intro to Lando, Why Should I Use It? | LandoLando is for developers who want to:Quickly specify and painlessly spin up the services and tooling needed to develop all their projects.Ship these local development dependencies in a per-project, lives-in-git config fileAutomate complex build steps, testing setups, deployments or other repeated-more-than-once workflowsAvoid the built-in-masochism of directly using docker or docker-composetagged: 08-01-2020
Fundamentals of Hierarchy in Interface Design (UI) - The Startup - Mediumvisual hierarchy is the order in which the user process information by importance. In interface design, like in any other form of design, this concept is necessary to be functional at sight. With the correct use of hierarchy, the mind can group and prioritize elements to give them a specific order, which facilitates the understanding of what you want to communicate and the sense of achievement by the user.tagged: visual-hierarchyux08-01-2020
Perforated Land Drain Coil Pipe 80mm x 25m | Drainage Superstore®Perforated single wall land drainage. Used as a collector drain for the removal of excess surface water on gardens and fields to a suitable collection point. The minimum depth of cover on any piped drain should be at least 450mm to protect the pipe from damage due to the surface traffic or maintenance operations such as deep spiking.tagged: drainagepond04-01-2020