Install extensions | Microsoft DocsAdd new features and capabilities to your organization by installing extensions.In this quickstart, learn how to do the following tasks:tagged: azuredevopsextensioninstall29-08-2019
What we found when we tested tools on the world’s least-accessible webpage - Accessibility in governmentWe recently conducted an audit of automated accessibility testing tools. We built a website full of accessibility failures to test them on. We've published our findings here.tagged: accessibilityautomation28-08-2019
Should You Reset Your CSS?This article explores the ongoing debate on whether or not web designers and web developers should reset their CSS, sharing the thoughts and opinions of several web professionals.tagged: cssreset28-08-2019
HTML5 Reset Stylesheet | HTML5 DoctorWe’ve had a number of people ask about templates, boilerplates, and styling for HTML 5. Last week, Remy introduced some basic boilerplates for HTML 5, so to keep the momentum going, I’ve modified Eric Meyer’s CSS reset for you to use in your HTML 5 projects.tagged: cssreset28-08-2019
Create and edit Insights dashboards | New Relic DocumentationUse New Relic Insights to quickly and easily build and view customized dashboards to visualize data about your software and what that data says about your business.tagged: newrelicdashboard23-08-2019
Overview of log queries in Azure Monitor | Microsoft DocsLog queries help you to fully leverage the value of the data collected in Azure Monitor Logs. A powerful query language allows you to join data from multiple tables, aggregate large sets of data, and perform complex operations with minimal code. Virtually any question can be answered and analysis performed as long as the supporting data has been collected, and you understand how to construct the right query.tagged: azurelogs23-08-2019
fluent/fluentd-docker-image: Docker image for FluentdYou can build a customized image based on Fluentd's onbuild image. Customized image can include plugins and fluent.conf file.tagged: azurefluentd22-08-2019
npm-scope | npm DocumentationAll npm packages have a name. Some package names also have a scope. A scope follows the usual rules for package names (URL-safe characters, no leading dots or underscores). When used in package names, scopes are preceded by an @ symbol and followed by a slash, e.g.tagged: npmscope16-08-2019
swup/swup: Complete, flexible, extensible and easy to use page transition library for your web.Complete, flexible, extensible and easy to use page transition library for your web. Looking for what's new in v2? Head over here.Still wanna check v1? Get it from npm with npm install swup@1.9.0 or check old docs here.tagged: transitionsanimations15-08-2019
Webpack and Rollup: the same but different - webpack - MediumThis week, Facebook merged a monster pull request into React that replaced its existing build process with one based on Rollup, prompting several people to ask ‘why did you choose Rollup over webpack’?tagged: rollupwebpack14-08-2019
React Errors : Super expression must either be null or a functionHave you come across this error when working with React?Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefinedtagged: vueterraform14-08-2019
Component built with --target lib does not persist styles when imported · Issue #1504 · vuejs/vue-cliComponent built with --target lib does not persist styles when importedtagged: vuelibscss14-08-2019
Learn ES2015 · BabelThis document was originally taken from Luke Hoban's excellent es6features repo. Go give it a star on GitHub!tagged: es201514-08-2019