Making Calendars With Accessibility and Internationalization in Mind | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Trickstagged: accessiblecalendar14-03-2023
The Government as a Platform Playbook - Table of contentstagged: playbookplatformgovernmentplatform-engineering14-02-2023
Platform Engineering Teams Done Right… | by adrian cockcroft | Feb, 2023 | Mediumtagged: platformplatform-engineering12-02-2023
Design System Metrics Collection - Design strategy guidetagged: metricsdesign-systemdesign-systems01-02-2023
Designing for the World: An Introduction to Localization | Spotify Designtagged: localisationspotify12-01-2023
Success_stories_from_a_democratized_experimentation_platform_5p - Eskil Forsell.pdf - Google DriveThe Netflix experimentation platform (XP) was founded on two key tenets: (1) that democratizingcontributions will allow the platform to scale more efficiently, and (2) that non-distributed com-putation of causal models will lead to rapid innovations in statistical methodologies.tagged: netflixexperimentation08-01-2023
Reimagining Experimentation Analysis at Netflix | by Netflix Technology Blog | Netflix TechBlogAnother day, another custom script to analyze an A/B test. Maybe you’ve done this before and have an old script lying around. If it’s new, it’s probably going to take some time to set up, right? Not at Netflix.tagged: netflixexperimentation08-01-2023