API: The Context - Nuxt.jsThe context provides additional objects/params from Nuxt to Vue components. The context is available in special nuxt lifecycle areas like asyncData, fetch, plugins, 'middleware', 'modules', and 'nuxtServerInit`.tagged: vuecontext11-06-2019
Getting Started | Vue RouterCreating a Single-page Application with Vue + Vue Router is dead simple. With Vue.js, we are already composing our application with components. When adding Vue Router to the mix, all we need to do is map our components to the routes and let Vue Router know where to render them. Here's a basic example:#tagged: vuegetting11-06-2019
Routing — Vue.jsFor most Single Page Applications, it’s recommended to use the officially-supported vue-router library. For more details, see vue-router’s documentation.tagged: vuerouting11-06-2019
API: The router Property - Nuxt.jsThe router property lets you customize Nuxt.js router (vue-router).tagged: nuxtroutingvuejs11-06-2019
Routing - Nuxt.jsNuxt.js automatically generates the vue-router configuration based on your file tree of Vue files inside the pages directory.tagged: nuxtvuejsrouting11-06-2019
Khroma - The AI color tool for designersThese colors will be used to train a color generator algorthim personalized to you. For best results, choose a wide variety of hues, values, and saturations. Happy picking!tagged: colours10-06-2019
JavaScript Graphing Library uirevision with Plotly.react | Examples | PlotlyAdding a uirevision attribute and then keeping it the same during the next call to Plotly.react ensures that user interactions persist.tagged: plotlyplotlyreact10-06-2019
Quotation and apostrophe automatically ch… - Apple CommunityQuotation and apostrophe automatically changing to diacritical marks.tagged: finallyfixeditquotes07-06-2019
Events - IndieWebWelcome to upcoming IndieWeb events, listing indieweb-related events, and events with indieweb sessions!. For other meanings of "event", see:indie event posts, see: eventindie event listings pages, see: events listIndieWeb event Planningtagged: indieweb07-06-2019
Getting Started - IndieWebGet started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other indieweb essentials.tagged: indiwebgettingstarted07-06-2019
Slack scraping session - AnaraFollowing a discussion on a facebook group, I came up with the idea of making this small tutorial on slack scraping and the enrichment of the obtained datatagged: recruiters07-06-2019
13 Cognitive Biases in Ecommerce (and How to Use Them to Sell More) — Conversion Rate OptimizationWe like to think we’re rational people making rational decisions.We pore over the data in our analytics dashboards, looking for trends among our customers. We carefully weigh the pros and cons of our own purchase decisions, arriving neatly at a logical choice.Right? Wrong.tagged: ecommercebiascognitive07-06-2019
Web Components: from zero to hero, part two - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻Web components: from zero to hero, part twotagged: web-componentstutorials07-06-2019
Adopt a Design System inside your Web Components with Constructable StylesheetsAs someone who makes stuff on the web, there are two things that I’ve been seeing quite a bit lately: Web Component discussion and CSS debates. I think that Web Components, or more specifically the Shadow DOM, is poised to solve some long-standing CSS problems. I’m a big fan of Web Components. In fact, I’m just wrapping up a book with Manning Publications now, called Web Components in Action.tagged: webweb-componentsstylingcss07-06-2019
Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator by CloudinaryOne image for all screen resolutions and different devices is not enough. An image per pixel is too much - so how can someone automatically choose the optimal responsive image sizes?tagged: imagesresponsivetools07-06-2019