Are People Chucking London's Dockless Bikes Into The Water? | LondonistScrolling around London on Citymapper the other day, we noticed something amiss. The app directed us towards a form of transport located on a blue part of the map. As everyone knows, maps + blue = water, so what is this new form of floating transportation and why has it gone unnoticed?tagged: londoncityairportbikesrubbish04-03-2019
How Are Function Components Different from Classes? — OverreactedHow do React function components differ from React classes?For a while, the canonical answer has been that classes provide access to more features (like state). With Hooks, that’s not true anymore.tagged: reactcomponentspseudo-classesfunctional04-03-2019
The CSS mental model - QuirksBlogToday we will attempt to describe the different mental models for CSS and JavaScript. Everybody agrees there is a difference, but nobody’s able to define exactly what that difference is. So let’s try.tagged: cssstate26-02-2019
CSS Houdini: JS-in-CSS - @iamvdoGeneric worklet to be authored right from CSStagged: cssjs2d22-02-2019
Pattern Lab | Build Atomic Design SystemsCreate atomic design systems with Pattern Lab.tagged: atomicdesignpatternlabscss22-02-2019
kss-node/kss-node: The Node.js implementation of KSS: a methodology for documenting CSS and generating style guidesThe Node.js implementation of KSS: a methodology for documenting CSS and generating style guides documentationcssstyleguide22-02-2019 - Disallow large imports from JavaScript projectsAre there known large JavaScript dependencies your team wish they could disallow from a project? Good news! ESLint supports disallowing specific imports from projects using the no-restricted-imports rule.tagged: eslintdangling-containersdisallowsizeslarge21-02-2019 - JavaScript Loading Priorities in ChromeHow browsers schedule and execute scripts can impact the performance of web pages. While techniques liketagged: loadingperfperformance20-02-2019
Animating Between Views in React | CSS-TricksYou know how some sites and web apps have that neat native feel when transitioning between two pages or views? Sarah Drasner has shown some good examples and even a Vue library to boot.These animations are the type of features that can turn a good user experience into a great one. But to achieve this in a React stack, it is necessary to couple crucial parts in your application: the routing logic and the animation tooling.Let’s start with animations. We’ll be building with React, and there are great options out there for us to leverage. Notably, the react-transition-group is the official package that handles elements entering and leaving the DOM. Let’s explore some relatively straightforward patterns we can apply, even to existing components.tagged: reacttransitionsviews18-02-2019
Floby/node-url-assembler: Assemble urls from route-like templates (/path/:param)Assemble urls from route-like templates (/path/:param)tagged: urlsroutingnpm16-02-2019
Rare African black leopard captured by camera trap's extraordinary photos | World news | The GuardianRare African black leopard captured by camera trap's extraordinary photostagged: photoblackleopard15-02-2019
DevDocs API DocumentationDevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface.tagged: offlinedocs15-02-2019
The CSS transitioncancel event is coming to Chrome and Safari | Web Platform NewsThe CSS transitioncancel event is coming to Chrome and Safaritagged: csstransitionscancel15-02-2019
Quick Note on high contrast mode | scottohara.meWhen testing websites and apps in Windows high contrast mode (HCM), there are two issues I’ve come across over again and again.tagged: hcmaria15-02-2019
Tweets liked by Simon McManus (@simonmcmanus) | TwitterPhoto from tower of Londontagged: londonphototowerbridge15-02-2019