Troy Hunt: Beyond Passwords: 2FA, U2F and Google Advanced ProtectionBeyond Passwords: 2FA, U2F and Google Advanced Protectiontagged: 2fa01-01-2019
d3/d3-scale: Encodings that map abstract data to visual representation.Scales are a convenient abstraction for a fundamental task in visualization: mapping a dimension of abstract data to a visual representation. Although most often used for position-encoding quantitative data, such as mapping a measurement in meters to a position in pixels for dots in a scatterplot, scales can represent virtually any visual encoding, such as diverging colors, stroke widths, or symbol size. Scales can also be used with virtually any type of data, such as named categorical data or discrete data that requires sensible breaks. For continuous quantitative data, you typically want a linear scale. (For time series data, a time scale.) If the distribution calls for it, consider transforming data using a power or log scale. A quantize scale may aid differentiation by rounding continuous data to a fixed set of discrete values; similarly, a quantile scale computes quantiles from a sample population, and a threshold scale allows you to specify arbitrary breaks in continuous data. For discrete ordinal (ordered) or categorical (unordered) data, an ordinal scale specifies an explicit mapping from a set of data values to a corresponding set of visual attributes (such as colors). The related band and point scales are useful for position-encoding ordinal data, such as bars in a bar chart or dots in an categorical scatterplot.tagged: d3scales21-12-2018
Zoom Behavior - D3 wikiThis behavior automatically creates event listeners to handle zooming and panning gestures on a container element. Both mouse and touch events are supported.tagged: d3zoom21-12-2018
(4) Contentful Space Environments - Experiment in a Sandbox - YouTubeA sneak peek into the new sandbox environments feature my team is working on and why it will change the way you work with Contentful.tagged: contentfulenvironments12-12-2018
Scripting migrations – ContentfulWhile developing an app from scratch is rather straightforward, developing new features that require changes to your content model and entries requires a more structured approach. This tutorial details how to use the Contentful CLI to script changes to a content model and entries in a structured and reproducible way. We'll use the Blog in 5 minutes as our reference to show how running migration scripts in sandbox space environments enables safe feature development.tagged: contentfulenvironments12-12-2018
Domain model – ContentfulAt its core, a domain model creates a web of interconnected objects. Each object, or entity, within this model is representational and incorporates both behavior and data. Contentful has four main entity types: user, organization, space, and Environment. This guide will walk you through each of these entities, as well as their relation to each other.tagged: contentful11-12-2018
date-fns - modern JavaScript date utility libraryReturn the formatted date string in the given format.tagged: datesjs11-12-2018
position | CSS-TricksThe position property can help you manipulate the location of an elementtagged: cssposition29-11-2018
Guide to using the Node.js agent API | New Relic DocumentationThe New Relic Node.js agent API allows you to extend the agent's standard functionality. You can use this API to: Customize your app name Create custom transaction parameters Report custom errors and metrics You can also use the API for custom instrumentation. For supported frameworks, the agent instruments most activity automatically. Custom instrumentation lets you extend that monitoring to frameworks without default instrumentation. Other resources: The Node.js agent API documentation on GitHub has more detail and practical tutorials. You can also adjust the Node.js agent's default behavior with configuration settings. To see all available New Relic APIs, see Intro to APIs.tagged: newrelicnodeapi26-11-2018
Issues with position fixed & scrolling on iOSIf there's a focusable element inside the position fixed element, i.e. an input element, this can cause the entire fixed element to jump out of place. This will only happen if the user has scrolled any amount (but if you're using position:fixed you're expecting exactly that kind of usage).tagged: scrollingui22-11-2018
City Airport Police on Twitter: "Not #policedogs but some of their K9 colleagues from @guidedogs were in training @LondonCityAir during our #ProjectServator patrols. Very very handsome #labrador #goldenretriever #labradoodle Donna, Argo, Scott, Nevis and Klara 💕 🐕 🐶…"tagged: scottpolicelondoncityairportlondonguide-dogs15-11-2018
prop-types - npmYou can use prop-types to document the intended types of properties passed to components. React (and potentially other libraries—see the checkPropTypes() reference below) will check props passed to your components against those definitions, and warn in development if they don’t match.tagged: reactproptypesdocker-compose14-11-2018
Troubleshooting FAQs for Recordings – Hotjar DocumentationTroubleshooting FAQs for Recordingstagged: hotjartrackingfaq12-11-2018