Creating a Static API from a Repository | CSS-TricksWhen I first started building websites, the proposition was quite basic: take content, which may or may not be stored in some form of database, and deliver it to people's browsers as HTML pages. Over the years, countless products used that simple model to offer all-in-one solutions for content management and delivery on the web.tagged: static25-09-2017
The State of the Web – Karolina Szczur – MediumThe Internet is growing exponentially, and so is the Web platform we create. Often though we fail to reflect on the greater picture of connectivity and contexts the audience of our work might find themselves in. Even a short glance at the state of the World Wide Web shows that we haven’t been building with empathy, situation variability awareness, let alone performance in mind.tagged: perfperformanceweb25-09-2017
Why its tricky to measure server side rendering performanceI started this post two weeks ago as a simple "How to use SSR to boost performance" article. After hours of profiling and consulting people smarter than me, I know one thing. Server-side Rendering is more nuanced than you would like.tagged: assertionsperfspaces25-09-2017
Groovy Ternary OperatorAnother one of the great operators that more and more languages support is their ternary operator. The ternary is a conditional operator and often referred to as an inline if statement. Before we look at how to use it lets take a look at a common problem it helps us solve. There are often times when you want to set a variable to one value if an expression evaluates to true and another if its false. In pseudo code it might look something like this.tagged: groovyternarycode21-09-2017
find the cost of adding a npm package to your bundlefind the cost of adding a npm package to your bundletagged: npmbundlesizes20-09-2017
Pure CSS3 Animated Gradient BackgroundPure CSS3 Animated Gradient Backgroundtagged: cssborder-gradientbackground18-09-2017
Betting on the WebNote: I just spoke at Coldfront 2017 about why I’m such a big proponent of the Web. What follows is essentially that talk as a blog post (I’ll add a link to the video once it is published).tagged: webpwasoffline15-09-2017
Basic grid layout with fallbacks using feature queriesI’ve been using CSS grid (which henceforth will be referred to as Grid) for quite a bit now, and although I often talk about how we can use grid to make all kinds of creative layouts, I’m fully aware that a basic grid is still a design pattern that is very much in demand on the web.tagged: gridcss15-09-2017
How To Create CSS Gradient Border Colors - HongkiatWith all the new features in CSS3, we are now able to build image-less websites. In the past, the use of image was inevitable when it comes to showing gradient colors. Today, it becomes much leaner with the use of CSS3 Gradient Background. In previous posts, we have shown you how to bring CSS3 Gradient into play as a background color in various forms and directions; Linear, Elliptical, and Repeating gradients.tagged: border-gradientcss07-09-2017
Material Conference - YouTubeMaterial Conference 2017 Playlisttagged: conferencesvideosmaterial-conferenceplaylist04-09-2017
Meeting Achievement Stickers – The Cooper Review – MediumCongratulations on getting through that meeting. Here are some meeting achievement stickers to celebrate your victory.tagged: meetings04-09-2017
Jenkins Pipelines and their dirty secrets 3.How did this chapter come to be? I was basically just pasting here stuff during work. There are many subtleties to pipelines, I recommend to all of you to create an own Jenkins as a playground of study, and experiment with it.tagged: jenkins31-08-2017
10 guidelines to improve your web accessibility | AerolabThere’s a quote by Tim Berners-Lee, Director of W3C and inventor of the World Wide Web, that says, “The power of the web is in its universality”. As people who make a living by making websites, it’s our responsibility to ensure everyone has access to them. Web accessibility seems like a tall order on paper, but it’s definitely much easier than it sounds.tagged: accessibilityweb30-08-2017
44 engineering management lessonsWelcome to engineering management. It’s fun, it’s exhausting, it’s rewarding — but most importantly it’s new! What worked for you before won’t work now. You’ll have to acquire a new set of skills, and shed some bad habits in the process. Here is a short guide to get you started.tagged: change-management24-08-2017