The Internet is for End UsersInternet standards MUST consider the end users of the Internet to have priority over every other party.tagged: internetusersfor-the-users02-08-2017
Nightwatch.js script for taking screenshots of a given URL at various browser widths.Nightwatch.js script for taking screenshots of a given URL at various browser widths.tagged: nightwatchresponsivee2e31-07-2017
Understanding the Command Queue · nightwatchjs/nightwatch WikiWhen Nightwatch runs a test, it processes its commands in a list known as the command queue. This list manages the asynchronous execution of the commands defined in that test. As a queue, the command queue generally follows the rule of first in, first out (FIFO). The first command you call in a test is the first executed when the test runs. The second command is called next, followed by the next command up until the last command added, which becomes the last command executed.tagged: nightwatchqueuecommand-queue28-07-2017
How we made automatic nightwatch.js tests more stable and fastertl;dr: when using Selenium server and Nightwatch.js write as small test suites as possible and for running these suites quickly use our Partition tooltagged: nightwatchseleniumstable28-07-2017
nightwatch-docs/ at master · nightwatchjs/nightwatch-docsStarting with v0.5 Nightwatch supports the tests to be run in parallel. This works by specifying multiple environments in the command line, separated by comma. E.g.:tagged: nightwatchparallelservice-workers28-07-2017
How to solve Selenium focus issues - makandropediaSelenium cannot reliably control a browser when its window is not in focus, or when you accidentally interact with the browser frame. This will result in flickering tests, which are "randomly" red and green. In fact, this behavior is not random at all and completely depends on whether or not the browser window had focus at the time. This card will give you a better understanding of Selenium focus issues, and what you can do to get your test suite stable again.tagged: seleniume2e28-07-2017
Node.js performance monitoring with PrometheusThis article helps you to understand what to monitor if you have a Node.js application in production, and how to use Prometheus – an open source solution, which provides powerful data compressions and fast data querying for time series data – for Node.js monitoring.tagged: nodemonitoringprometheus26-07-2017
Shared Surfaces Campaign | Guide DogsShared surfaces are when the road and pavement are built at the same level, removing the kerb so that cars, buses, cyclists and pedestrians share the same surface. Shared surface streets are dangerous for blind and partially sighted people who rely upon the presence of the kerb to know they are on the pavement and not in the road.tagged: guide-dogsshared-surfacesinclusive-designstreet-design26-07-2017
The company isn’t a family – Signal v. NoiseWhenever executives talk about how their company is really like a big ol’ family, beware. They’re usually not referring to how the company is going to protect you no matter what or love you unconditionally. You know, like healthy families would. The motive is rather more likely to be a unidirectional form of sacrifice: Yours.tagged: companiesworkingfamily26-07-2017
Using the Chrome devtools new code coverage featureCode coverage has finally made it out of experiments and into Chrome Canary, meaning that it will soon reach general availability. This is an exciting feature that is useful both when working with JavaScript and CSS, so I thought I’d do a quick demo and explore how it can be helpful.tagged: cssjscoverage25-07-2017
Stop Using Story Points - Industrial LogicSprints, standups and story points have come to symbolize Agile methods much like burgers, fries and cola symbolize fast food. Ready for your Agile Happy Meal? I hope not. Like researchers of fast food, we now know that the Agile Happy Meal contains unnatural ingredients that decrease agility and cause process indigestion. In 2007, a series of experiments led my colleagues and me to increase our agility by dropping story points and velocity calculations. Those same experiments led us to replace fixed-length sprints with a flow-based workflow, and move from standup meetings to frequent team huddles. Our process today looks nothing like a by-the-book, mainstream Agile method largely because we actively look for process waste and experiment to discover better ways of working. In this blog, I'll explain why we dropped story points and velocity calculations and what you can do to work successfully without them.tagged: story-pointsagilenoestimates25-07-2017
What can I recycle and how? Please see below details of what you can recycle and how to use your kerbside collection services.tagged: epping-forestrecycling22-07-2017
What do Variable Fonts mean for Web Developers? – prototyprA lot has been written about variable fonts ever since they were introduced with the new OpenType 1.8 specification late last year. But from a practical point of view, for web designers and developers, what can we expect?tagged: fontsvariable-fonts21-07-2017
TDD is dead. Long live testing. (DHH)I think that's the direction we're heading. Less emphasis on unit tests, because we're no longer doing test-first as a design practice, and more emphasis on, yes, slow, system tests. (Which btw do not need to be so slow any more, thanks to advances in parallelization and cloud runner infrastructure).tagged: tddtestinge2e20-07-2017
Why 99 Percent of All Meetings Are a Complete Waste of Money | Inc.comHere's an elephant in the meeting room that no one ever discusses: Meetings are hugely expensive. During the next meeting you attend, add up the hourly cost of every person in the room. Then imagine--which shouldn't be hard if you own a small business--that you're writing the check for that meeting. If the money came out of your pocket, would you have the meeting?tagged: meetingsteamswaste20-07-2017