Time Well SpentTime Well Spent is a non-profit movement to reclaim our minds from the race for attention.tagged: time-well-spent07-07-2017
Home | Dark PatternsDark Patterns are tricks used in websites and apps that make you buy or sign up for things that you didn't mean to. The purpose of this site is to spread awareness and to shame companies that use them.tagged: dark-patternsshamingtricksdesign07-07-2017
Join the Design Systems community on Slack!Enter your email below to join Design Systems on Slack!tagged: design-systemsslack07-07-2017
Jacob Kaplan-MossI love Django’s documentation. It clocks in at about 700 pages printed, and most of it is clear, concise, and helpful. I think Django’s among the best documented open source projects, and nothing makes me prouder. If any part of Django endures, I hope it’ll be a sort of “documentation culture” — an ethos that values great, well-written documentation. To that end, I’m writing a series of articles laying out the tools, tips, and techniques I’ve learned over the years I’ve spent helping to write Django’s docs. This advice will mostly be targeted towards those documenting libraries or frameworks intended for use by other developers, but much of it probably applies to any for of technical documentation.tagged: djangodocumentation07-07-2017
Design philosophies | Django documentation | DjangoThis document explains some of the fundamental philosophies Django’s developers have used in creating the framework. Its goal is to explain the past and guide the future.tagged: designphilosophiesdjango07-07-2017
Choo frameworkChoo is a framework for folks like you and me. Perhaps you're most comfortable writing HTML and CSS, and want to add some JavaScript. Or perhaps you're an industry veteran that wants to create reusable browser elements. Or maybe you're neither; Choo's got you tho ✌️.tagged: chooframeworksdom-diffingspeclate07-07-2017
Fractal user guide | Fractal DocumentationFractal is a tool to help you build and document web component libraries, and then integrate them into your projects. Component (or pattern) libraries are a way of designing and building websites in a modular fashion, breaking up the UI into small, reusable chunks that can then later be assembled in a variety of ways to build anything from larger components right up to whole pages. Fractal helps you assemble, preview and document website component libraries, and then integrate them into your web sites, apps and build processes to create joined up, ‘living’ projects. Fractal can be run from the command line or integrated into your project via its API.tagged: componentsdesignui07-07-2017
bbc/grandstand: BBC Grandstand is a collection of common CSS abstractions and utility helper classesGrandstand is a scalable front end architecture and a lightweight Sass framework. Consisting of a collection of common CSS abstractions and utility helper classes, Grandstand allows you to quickly development components in a reusable, performant manner. This library is built and maintained by the BBC Sport team and used by various components on BBC Sport website and within the BBC Live product.tagged: grandstandcssbbcsass07-07-2017
JeffConf 2017A collaboration in conjunction with the Serverless London User Group, JeffConf is an attempt to move past the word Serverless, and focus on the use of these platforms and the value they provide.tagged: conferencesserverlessjeffconflondon07-07-2017
Skeleton: Responsive CSS BoilerplateYou should use Skeleton if you're embarking on a smaller project or just don't feel like you need all the utility of larger frameworks. Skeleton only styles a handful of standard HTML elements and includes a grid, but that's often more than enough to get started. In fact, this site is built on Skeleton and has ~200 lines of custom CSS (half of which is the docking navigation).tagged: cssmobileskeleton06-07-2017
Cache, update and refresh Recipe - Caching strategies - ServiceWorker CookbookThe recipe provides a service worker responding from cache to deliver fast responses and also updating the cache entry from the network. When the network response is ready, the UI updates automatically.tagged: offlineservice-workerscaching-stragegies02-07-2017
Feather – Simply beautiful open source iconsSimply beautiful open source iconstagged: iconsdesign29-06-2017
You can’t be half agile | Government Digital ServiceCombining agile and non-agile into a jerry-rigged mishmash misses the point of working in an agile way. Teaching people about agile and agile terms doesn’t need a newfangled management-speak hybrid. Traveling around the country to visit the 25 exemplar services, I saw people who had traditional project manager backgrounds but who had seen the benefits of agile. Agile isn’t just a set of rules, it’s a mindset. An approach to solving problems and meeting user needs. Let’s not lose sight of that.tagged: agilegds29-06-2017
4 Things I Know About Pattern Libraries | Brad FrostDave shared some battle-earned insights about working in a pattern-driven manner and creating pattern libraries. I love his thoughts on the topic, and since I’ve seen this play out in my own work I thought I’d share my own thoughts as well.tagged: patternspattern-libraries29-06-2017