EnhanceConf line-up

Over the last 6 months, with the help of some trusted advisors, I’ve been putting together the line-up for EnhanceConf.

The whole event is dedicated to progressive enhancement, but what does that even mean in 2016? Well, that’s the point of EnhanceConf. We get to spend the 4th of March in The Great Room figuring it out.


We are going to start the day thinking about why we do progressive enhancement. Nat Buckley will look at many of the assumptions we make in modern web development. Anna Debenham will then look at some of the unusual devices people use to interact with our sites/apps. Stefan Tilkov will provide an architect's perspective.

In the second section, we are going to look at some real world examples. We’ve got Ola Gasidlo from Styla/Hoodie and Oliver Joseph Ash from the Guardian talking about their experiences making things work offline. Forbes Lindesay will be talking about building apps that can render on the server and in the browser.

After lunch, we are going to think a bit more about design and UX. Does progressive enhancement constrain design? Phil Hawksworth and Stephen Waller will debate. Jen Simmons will explain why 2016 will be the year that web layouts change and how to use these new techniques as an enhancement. Adam Silver will talk about embracing simplicity.

In the final section, we are going to look to the future. How can we build interfaces given how little we know about the people and devices using them? Robin Christopherson will be talking about inclusive design. Stephanie Morillo will talk about copy and what to think about when writing it. Aaron Gustafson will round off the event by talking about building for devices that don’t exist yet.

After each section, we are going to have 20 minutes of Q&A run by Jeremy Keith.

As if that wasn't enough, the Planning Adaptive Interfaces workshop provides a unique opportunity to get training from Aaron Gustafson while he's in London. We are giving a limited number of copies of Aaron’s e-book Adaptive Web Design with combined conference and workshop tickets.

Reserve your seat