Serving a website seems pretty simple: Send some HTML, the browser figures out what resources to load next. Then we wait patiently for the page to be ready.03-08-2017
The config to share target browsers and Node.js versions between different front-end tools. It is used in: Autoprefixer Babel postcss-preset-env eslint-plugin-compat stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features postcss-normalize07-01-2019
Take automated testing to the next level with Perfecto’s cloud-based continuous testing platform. From creation to execution and analysis, Perfecto has a proven, unified solution for your mobile and web testing needs.13-09-2019
Build better mobile experiences by testing on real-devices while leveraging the latest in Appium test automation for seamless test script creation.13-09-2019
Why Web Browsers Are FREE09-02-2020
ES modules are now available in browsers! They're in…Safari 10.1.Chrome 61.Firefox 60.Edge 16.20-04-2020