Facebook got a bit fed up with having a one-endpoint-based approach to get data and this other totally different thing, as they both require different code. As such, GraphQL was created as a middle-ground between endpoint-based APIs and FQL, the latter being an approach most teams would never consider - or want.
As a technology, GraphQL is starting to gain traction. There are server implementations in a good selection of languages, and client support isn’t far behind. If you want to build your own GraphQL server, there’s plenty of information out there, but if you want to build an efficient one, there’s less guidance. I’ve been using GraphQL since it was a technical candidate, and have made plenty of mistakes along the way, but have been successful in making my GraphQL servers perform roughly as well as bespoke static endpoints.
The size of individual GraphQL query strings can be a major pain point. Apollo Server implements Automatic Persisted Queries (APQ), a technique that greatly improves network performance for GraphQL with zero build-time configuration. A persisted query is an ID or hash that can be sent to the server instead of the entire GraphQL query string. This smaller signature reduces bandwidth utilization and speeds up client loading times. Persisted queries are especially nice paired with GET requests, enabling the browser cache and integration with a CDN.
Yaak is an offline-first API client designed for modern developers, allowing them to easily call REST, GraphQL, SSE, and gRPC APIs from a user-friendly interface. The app emphasizes simplicity and efficiency, making it a preferred choice over traditional tools like Postman or Insomnia. Developed by Gregory Schier.