Migrating from Jekyll+Github Pages to Hugo+Netlify
During the last 18 months, working on my Web site became a daunting task—be that for developing, redesigning it, writing a blog post, or making updates to my speaking and workshop pages. My then static site generator, Jekyll, is why. And a change has long been overdue... - A URL shortener powered by Netlify
I've recently started to roll my own short URLs. Using Netlify's optimised edge redirects via Netlify's redirects API is incredibly efficient and gives me URLs which I manage on my own domain instead of farming that out to a third-party provider who might go away.
14-02-2019Netlify Functions Examples
Hi there! This is a playground to test out Netlify’s Lambda Functions.
02-04-2021Functions logs not loading - Support - Netlify Support Forums
Redirects and rewrites | Netlify Docs
You can configure redirect and rewrite rules for your Netlify site in two ways:
15-06-2022Fun Parallax Scrolling CSS for Matterday