From Gut to Plan: The Thoughtful Execution Framework | Spotify DesignFrom Gut to Plan: The Thoughtful Execution Frameworktagged: experimentationcroframework30-05-2022
Structured Data LinterEnter a URL below to see what structured data your page contains. You can alternatively upload a local file or paste some markuptagged: structured-datalinter28-05-2022
Making Google Fonts Faster in 2022If you use Google Fonts, a few additional steps can lead to much faster load times. Learn about preconnect, optimal placement, font display, preload, and more in this post.tagged: performace28-05-2022
critical/ at master · addyosmani/critical · GitHubCritical extracts & inlines critical-path (above-the-fold) CSS from HTMLtagged: critical-pathcssperformance27-05-2022
Access Simon McManusPerf report for simonmcmanus.comtagged: accessifyreportseoperformanceaccessibility27-05-2022 - is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond.tagged: seostructured-data26-05-2022
Structured Data Markup HelperThis tool will help you add structured-data markup to a sample web pagetagged: seo26-05-2022
Community Access Plans announced for RideLondon – Epping Forest District Counciltagged: loughton22-05-2022
Using SASS With Eleventy — John Kemp-CruzEleventy (11ty) is a super customisable static site generator that at its core transforms template language into HTML. However, template languages like Liquid and Nunjucks are designed to output HTML rather than CSS so how does Eleventy handle styling?tagged: eleventystyling20-05-2022
WebAIM: Web Accessibility for DesignersThe focus of web accessibility is often on web development – the things that happen in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Optimal accessibility should start much earlier, as part of the visual design process. This infographic highlights many important principles of accessible designtagged: accessibilitydesigners13-05-2022
What Is Jobs-to-be-Done?. Is Jobs-to-be-Done a theory? A lens? A… | by Tony Ulwick | JTBD + Outcome-Driven Innovationtagged: frameworkoutcomedesign11-05-2022