jubilee-line-button/hardware at master · futureshape/jubilee-line-button · GitHubJSON file is EasyEDA source, live version here. External connection identifiers are given.tagged: jubileelinetrainshackingjubilee-line07-02-2021
Home - MORPHOCODEMorphocode is a design and development firm that uses data to visualize urban dynamics and provide location insights. Our team brings together expertise across architecture, urban planning, and software engineering.tagged: datavisualisevisualiser28-01-2021
How to select elements that are not children of other elements in CSS | Stefan Judis Web DevelopmentToday I came across a PR on MDN compatibility data that aims to update the CSS's support information for the :not() pseudo-class.tagged: notcsscss-animationcss-scopecss-selectors28-01-2021
How to Play and Pause CSS Animations with CSS Custom Properties | CSS-TricksLet’s have a look CSS @keyframes animations, and specifically about how you can pause and otherwise control them. There is a CSS property specifically for it, that can be controlled with JavaScript, but there is plenty of nuance to get into in the details. We’ll also look at my preferred way of setting this up which gives lots of control. Hint: it involves CSS custom properties.tagged: animationcsswebcss-animation22-01-2021
GitHub - goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices: The Node.js best practices list (January 2021)this repository is a summary and curation of the top-ranked content on Node.js best practices, as well as content written here by collaboratorstagged: best-practicenodejavascriptwebdocker21-01-2021
Ready Player Me - Personal 3D Avatars for Games and VR.Level up your virtual experience with selfie-based avatars that people love and emotionally connect with.tagged: vrwebavatarsselfie20-01-2021
Build a Beautiful Brick Pathway or Patio | Better Homes & GardensBrick patios and paths are popular DIY projects that are well within the abilities of most homeowners. And if installed properly, the project can last for decades. Follow the steps below to create your own durable and stylish brick patio or path.tagged: pathgarden17-01-2021
Design systems need experience foundations | by Yesenia Perez-Cruz | Nov, 2020 | Shopify UXA lesson that we’ve learned at Shopify from building Polaris is that maintaining a system takes more effort than building it. That’s because design systems inevitably create debt. Components will be used and forked in unpredictable ways. Dependencies can make it difficult to predictably make a change. We ran into these issues while rolling out a new design language for Shopify’s admin in October. The time it took to test the impact of a small visual change across the product slowed down the rollout.tagged: foundationsdesign-systems17-01-2021
Get Cardboard – Google VRGoogle Cardboard brings immersive experiences to everyone in a simple and affordable way. Whether you fold your own or buy a Cardboard-certified viewer, you're just one step away from experiencing virtual reality on your smartphone.tagged: cardboardaraugmented-realityvrpodcast16-01-2021
Introduction – A-FrameA-Frame can be developed from a plain HTML file without having to install anything. A great way to try out A-Frame is to remix the starter example on Glitch, an online code editor that instantly hosts and deploys for free. Alternatively, create an .html file and include A-Frame in thetagged: podcastwebvrwebxraframeaugmented-reailtyvertual-reality15-01-2021
chrome-launcher/chrome-flags-for-tools.md at master · GoogleChrome/chrome-launcher · GitHubflags,chrome,laucher,optionstagged: flagschromee2eautomation15-01-2021
LottieFiles - Free animation files built for Lottielottie,animation,tagged: animationlottiecss-animationanimationsframeworksdelightdrest14-01-2021
Shifting Modes: Creating a Program to Support Sustained Resilienceresilience,failuretagged: failure13-01-2021
"Just Use Props": An opinionated guide to React and XState - DEV CommunityXState can feel overwhelming. Once you've gone through Kyle or David's courses and read through the docs, you'll get a thorough understanding of the API. You'll see that XState is the most powerful tool available for managing complex state.tagged: propsreactxstate12-01-2021
SuperFriendly Service AgreementIf you’re thinking about working with SuperFriendly, here’s our simple, standard Service Agreement that you can browse through to get a sense of how we like to work. If you’re an agency or freelancer and aren’t happy with yours—or worse, you don’t use any type of contract—you’re welcome to use ours as a starting point.tagged: companycontract10-01-2021