(4) Lacrimosa (Requiem de W.A. Mozart) - Ensemble Sottovoce - YouTubeLacrimosa (Requiem de W.A. Mozart) - Ensemble Sottovocetagged: churchsingers08-07-2019
Welcome to miso - miso -With heaps of maps and mapping data, fantastic software and some pretty awesome services that help automate your tasks,tagged: mapspond07-07-2019
The Hills Amenity Society. Loughton, EssexWoodbury Hill, however, continues as an unmade road, opening up to afford fine views over the forest towards High Beech Church spire. Several houses (15) overlook the valley of Loughton Brook, on the site known as Drummaids, formerly gravel pits (see "People and Places" d(. A windmill was planned for this site in 1809 but never built. Here until 1914, locals gathered annually for the maypole festivities. The first house is the converted coach house of Loughton Lodge. There follows a surprisingly modern timber-clad building in colonial style (1964), recently renamed "Drummonds", but formerly "Drummer Maid". The imposing Loughton Lodge in part dates back to 1794 but is largely early 19th Century (see "People and Places" b) Finally, and in complete contrast is "Woodpeckers", a cedar-clad structure designed by Kenneth Lindy, on steeply sloping ground, designed in the late fifties.tagged: loughtonbrook07-07-2019
About Loughton - BackgroundFlooding has always been a big issue in Loughton. LRA Cllr Ken Angold-Stephens (a resident of some 50 years) can remember seeing the Roding Road/Valley Hill area under water on several occasions and High Road shops also flooded from time to time. The causes were the volume of water coming off the forest and the Roding overflowing its banks to cover the flood plain (playing fields) at least once every other winter. Loughton Brook, which comes off the forest and runs under the High Road and alongside Roding Road, also used to over-spill its banks regularly. After heavy downpours the drainage systems around Loughton simply could not cope and unfortunately this is still the case today.tagged: loughtonbrook07-07-2019
HTML can do that? - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻After witnessing some awesome things CSS can do, it's time for HTML to come in the same spotlight!tagged: html05-07-2019
Google Fonts Now Supports font-display! ― Scotch.iofont-display is a CSS feature that allows us to control how we load fonts.Google Fonts are used by many websites (including Scotch.io) and up until now, we didn't have the ability to control how we loaded the fonts.tagged: googlefontsdisplay04-07-2019
Amazon.jobs: Help us build Earth’s most customer-centric company.Amazon jobs listingtagged: amazonjobsnode03-07-2019
Sustainable Web Manifesto“If the Internet was a country, it would be the 6th largest polluter” 1tagged: websustainabilityenvironments02-07-2019
Front Matter Data—EleventyAdd data in your template front matter, like this:---title: My page title---…The above is using YAML syntax.Locally assigned front matter values override things further up the layout chain. Note also that layouts can contain front matter variables that you can use in your local template. Leaf template front matter takes precedence over layout front matter. Read more about Layouts.tagged: 11tyfrontmatterdata24-06-2019
Markdown—EleventyThe only listed options here are the ones that differ from the default markdown-it options. See all markdown-it options and defaults.tagged: 11tymarkdown24-06-2019
Template Languages—EleventyThere are a couple of different ways you can tell Eleventy how you want to process a file:tagged: 11tylanguagestemplating23-06-2019
Seeing 2020 - YouTubeWatch live as NASA's next rover, Mars 2020, is built and tested in the Spacecraft Assembly Facility at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. Live moderated chats will take place on this channel Monday through Thursday at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. PT. For more about the mission, visit https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020tagged: marsroverwebcam23-06-2019
Why I use web componentsWhy I use web componentsThis is some sort of answer to recent posts regarding Web Components, where more than a few misconceptions were delivered as fact.Let's start by defining what we are talking about.tagged: web-components21-06-2019