Zoom Events in D3.js-based JavaScript Charts| Examples | PlotlyBinding to Zoom Eventstagged: bindingplotlyzoom04-06-2019
Plotly + React and dynamic data – João Marcos Martins da Costa Cota – MediumPlot.ly is a library commonly used to draw graphs and other web interfaces. It started with Python but now has many other implementations in different programming languages, like JavaScript and R. It also has special implementations to support some popular frameworks, like React and Angular.tagged: plotlyreact04-06-2019
Vuejs and plotly.js = reactive charts – Bob Thomas – MediumThis article is about combining vuejs and a chart framework/library plotly.jsI’ve been using this combination for about 6 months now and felt like writing about my solutions and ideas to combine these systems. Plotly.js has a implementation for react but not for angular or vuejs or similar frameworks.This implementation is not really complicated or hard to understand but maybe it will be able to help people skip the struggles I had. In this article I make use of the reactive properties but I will write another article that uses a global eventBus to control the charts. This will give you more control on when to update and if updates went correctly.tagged: plotlyvuejsgraphs03-06-2019
Zoom Events in Plotly.js ChartsmyDiv.on('plotly_relayout', function(eventdata){ alert( 'ZOOM!' + '\n\n' + 'Event data:' + '\n' + JSON.stringify(eventdata) + '\n\n' + 'x-axis start:' + eventdata['xaxis.range[0]'] + '\n' + 'x-axis end:' + eventdata['xaxis.range[1]'] ); });tagged: plotlyzoom03-06-2019
last(value) returns 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z as the time · Issue #5216 · influxdata/influxdbtagged: unflux31-05-2019
SQL SELECT with DISTINCT on multiple columns - w3resourceIn SQL multiple fields may also be added with DISTINCT clause. DISTINCT will eliminate those rows where all the selected fields are identical.tagged: sqldistinct30-05-2019
InfluxQL functions | InfluxData DocumentationAggregate, select, transform, and predict data with InfluxQL functions.tagged: influxdbdebtfunctions29-05-2019
Downsampling and data retention | InfluxData DocumentationInfluxDB can handle hundreds of thousands of data points per second. Working with that much data over a long period of time can create storage concerns. A natural solution is to downsample the data; keep the high precision raw data for only a limited time, and store the lower precision, summarized data for much longer or forever.InfluxDB offers two features - Continuous Queries (CQ) and Retention Policies (RP) - that automate the process of downsampling data and expiring old data. This guide describes a practical use case for CQs and RPs and covers how to set up those features in InfluxDB.tagged: influxdbdownsizing28-05-2019
Why You Should Avoid Vue.js DOM Templates - Vue.js DevelopersIt's a common practice for a Vue app to use the DOM as its template, as it's the quickest and easiest architecture to set up.tagged: vuejstemplate23-05-2019
My take on using Nuxt with an API | blog.Lichter.ioprogrammatic approach we will do the opposite and use Nuxt inside Express (or, as stated before, any other Node.js framework).If you already have an Express instance running and need Nutagged: nuxtjsapi22-05-2019
Sending emails through Nuxt.js | blog.Lichter.ioPossibly you have heard it the other way: An express app with Nuxt.js as renderer (like in express-template).But did you know that you can use express inside a serverMiddleware?tagged: vuejsnuxtjsexpressive21-05-2019
Nodemon not restarting in docker · Issue #1447 · remy/nodemonNodemon not restarting in dockertagged: nodemondockerissue21-05-2019
Why bother writing tests at all? | Dave CheneyIn previous posts and presentations I talked about how to test, and when to test. To conclude this series of I’m going to ask the question, why test at all?tagged: testing15-05-2019