sveltejs/svelte: Cybernetically enhanced web appsSvelte is a new way to build web applications. It's a compiler that takes your declarative components and converts them into efficient JavaScript that surgically updates the DOM.Learn more at the Svelte website, or stop by the Discord chatroom.tagged: svelte20-06-2019
Micro Frontends - extending the microservice idea to frontend developmentTechniques, strategies and recipes for building a modern web app with multiple teams using different JavaScript frameworks.tagged: micromicrofrontend19-06-2019
Use Express with Nuxt.js | byte{master}If you are using Nuxt.js chances are you have had some experience with express one way or another. Maybe your planning a Nuxt.js project and are wondering how extensible it is. While the Nuxt.js project uses connect for routing it is possible to use express for something like an API and get all the benefits of exisiting parsers and plugins.tagged: nuxtapi18-06-2019
API — Vue.jsVue.config is an object containing Vue’s global configurations. You can modify its properties listed below before bootstrapping your application:tagged: vueconfig18-06-2019
Form Input Bindings — Vue.jsYou can use the v-model directive to create two-way data bindings on form input, textarea, and select elements. It automatically picks the correct way to update the element based on the input type. Although a bit magical, v-model is essentially syntax sugar for updating data on user input events, plus special care for some edge cases.tagged: vueformsinputs18-06-2019
An imperative guide to forms in Vue.jsSomething almost all web apps have in common is the fact that they need to get input from users, validate it, and act on it. Learning to…tagged: vueforms18-06-2019
Relearn CSS layout: Every LayoutIf you find yourself wrestling with CSS layout, it’s likely you’re making decisions for browsers they should be making themselves. Through a series of simple, composable layouts, Every Layout will teach you how to better harness the built-in algorithms that power browsers and CSS.Employing algorithmic layout design means doing away with @media breakpoints, “magic numbers”, and other hacks, to create context-independent layout components. Your future design systems will be more consistent, terser in code, and more malleable in the hands of your users and their devices.tagged: csslayout14-06-2019
Build a REST API with Node.js and Express.js - Developer How-tosqlite3tagged: sqlite3databaseexpressive14-06-2019
The Vue Instance — Vue.jsEvery Vue application starts by creating a new Vue instanctagged: vuelifecycle14-06-2019
Performance Audits and Code Reviews – CSS Wizardry – CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry RobertsYou could be leaving hundreds of thousands of pounds of revenue on the table every year due to a poorly- or un-optimised website. Slow websites are one of online consumers’ biggest frustrations, and a fast way to miss out on sales.Wether you want to boost revenues, improve conversion rates, reduce churn, or improve retention and engagement, a well-optimised site is a key way to get there.Your website is slow. I can tell you why.tagged: speedaudit14-06-2019
API: The asyncData Method - Nuxt.jsYou may want to fetch data and render it on the server-side. Nuxt.js adds an asyncData method that lets you handle async operations before setting the component data.tagged: nuxt11-06-2019