nightwatch-docs/ at master · nightwatchjs/nightwatch-docsThe test runner supports a number of run-time options to be passed to. To view all, run the following:tagged: nightwatchcheck-listoptions18-01-2018
Meet the New Dialog ElementHTML 5.2 has introduced a newelement for native modal dialog boxes. At first glance, it seems fairly straightforward (and it is), but as I’ve been playing around with it, I’ve found it has some nice features that might be easy to miss.tagged: html5htmlmodaldialog17-01-2018
Learning to Throw Again – hueniverseSix years ago, during the early days of node, Guillermo Rauch wrote a blog post titled A String is not an Error. It might seem obvious now, but at the time, node didn’t really have any established patterns. That’s around the same time the error-first-callback pattern evolved as the standard way to return errors.tagged: async10-01-2018
How to bag yourself a cheap ski holiday | This is MoneyWant to swap the wet and windy weather for snowy peaks? How to bag yourself a ski or snowboard holiday that won't break the banktagged: skiholiday06-01-2018
Writing expressive code | Notes on development | RobinAs any coder gains experience, they inevitebly learn more and more ways to solve the same problem. The very first consideration is simplicity. We probably want to use as simple and direct a solution as possible - to avoid over-engineering. But the simplest solution is not necessarily the shortest solution. After simplicity, the very next consideration should be expressiveness. You should always be thinking about how deeply a new developer is going to have to delve into your code to understand what’s going on.tagged: expressive02-01-2018
Robust Client-Side JavaScript – A Developer’s Guide · molilyThe JavaScript programming language is an essential tool of web developers today. Websites ship more and more JavaScript to the browser to be more interactive. The more complex client-side JavaScript gets, the more error-prone and fragile the user experience might get. Why do we need to talk about robust JavaScript and how do we achieve it?tagged: robustjavascriptapp-storeprogressive-enhancement02-01-2018
marked-metadataMarkdown parser (using marked) with metadata header support.tagged: markdownnpmmetadata26-12-2017
FandangoSEO – Website crawler & SEO Log AnalyzerBuild an unbreakable SEO foundation with a strong site structure and start increasing your organic traffic. Use our detailed graphs to easily picture the crawl depth and develop a comprehensive internal linking structure.tagged: seosearch19-12-2017
The Surprising History of 'Freelance' | Merriam-WebsterFreelancing has always been a battle. Literally.tagged: freelancecontracthistory18-12-2017
Specificity VisualizerA visual way to analyze the specificity of selectors in CSS.tagged: cssdesignspecificity14-12-2017
web-conferences-2018/ at master · asciidisco/web-conferences-2018A list of Web & JavaScript related conferences happening in 2018. Please send in a PR if you want to add a new event or fix/enhance the info given for existing ones. Thank you 🙏tagged: webconferences201814-12-2017
Design PrinciplesDesign Principles are a set of considerations that form the basis of any good product.tagged: designprinciples14-12-2017
The Cost Of JavaScript – Dev Channel – MediumAs we build sites more heavily reliant on JavaScript, we sometimes pay for what we send down in ways that we can’t always easily see. In this post, I’ll cover why a little discipline can help if you’d like your site to load & be interactive quickly on mobile devices.tagged: perfperformancejs27-11-2017