Template Language—JavaScript—Eleventy, a simpler static site generator.Eleventy supports many different types of JavaScript content that will be parsed as Eleventy templates:tagged: eleventy16-09-2021
using-yield-to-make-async-state-machines.mdAn interesting pattern I stumbled on recently thanks to @davidmarkclementsIterators can be used to encode async state machines if you have a series of conditions you need to check after each async step.tagged: state-machines14-09-2021
Smooth and simple page transitions with the shared element transition API - Chrome DevelopersWhen you navigate around apps on your phone, there's usually some sort of transition, from a simple fade or slide from one screen to another, to more complex transitions that move different elements independently:tagged: htmlwebtransitions30-08-2021
How To Calculate The Slope Of Your Lawn - My Robot MowerFor homeowners who have steep slopes in their lawn, you may wish to calculate this slope for a number of reasons. For anyone planning to purchase a robot lawn mower, it is important to ensure that the model you have chosen will be able to handle the steepest slope of your lawn. The slope performance of robot lawn mowers varies significantly. Models available to buy today can handle slopes between 15% and 45% (8.5 degrees to 24 degrees).tagged: lawnrobotsslope26-08-2021
I’ve code reviewed over 750 pull requests at Amazon. Here’s my exact thought process. | by Curtis Einsmann | Mediumtagged: 21-08-2021
Wooden Pergola Components | Excellent Value Wooden Pergola & Components to Buy Online from UK Timber - UK Timber LtdFancy building your own garden pergola? No problem! Here we have a range of pergola components sized and suited for you to build your own pergola.tagged: gardenpergola09-08-2021
How to reduce the risk of SIDS for your baby - The Lullaby TrustOur safer sleep advice gives simple steps for how you can sleep your baby to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) which is commonly known as cot death. It can give you the peace of mind to enjoy this special time.Our advice is based on strong scientific evidence and should be followed for all sleep periods, not just at night.If you have any questions about SIDS or safer sleep, please call our information line on 0808 802 6869 (lines open Monday-Friday 10am-5pm).tagged: nctsidsbirth08-08-2021
Positive Induction Birth Stories – Positive Induction BirthBirth stories can be really inspiring when you're preparing for your own induction. I remember searching for positive induction stories before my first birth and struggling to find them, so I've brought together some lovely confidence boosting, positive stories. Thank you so much to all these lovely families who have shared their stories with us, if you're interested in sharing your own story on the site you can so that on our Share Your Birth Story pagetagged: nctpositivebirth08-08-2021
Vitamin K and your Newborn Baby. This article replaces the AIMS book, “Vitamin K and the Newborn” and has been fully updated. | AIMSWhat we refer to as Vitamin K is an important group of chemicals which help our blood to clot. There are several different types of Vitamin K and these different types all have different effects on the body. The only effect that is being considered when Vitamin K is offered to your baby is its role in reducing the chance of complications from excessive bleeding known as Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding (VKDB). VKDB was previously known as Haemorrhagic Disease of the Newborn (HDN) and the two names refer to the same condition. VKDB is very rare but it can be very serious, which is why the parents of all babies in the UK are offered an injection of Vitamin K for their baby, just after birth, even though almost all of those babies will not benefit from it. If parents decline the injection they should be offered an oral dose given several times over a few weeks.tagged: nctlabourvitamin-k08-08-2021