Honeycomb CEO Charity Majors discusses observability and dealing with "the coming armageddon of complexity" [Interview] | Packt HubTransparency is underrated in the tech industry. But as software systems grow in complexity and their relationship with the real world becomes increasingly fraught, it nevertheless remains a value worth fighting for.But to effectively fight for it, it’s essential to remember that transparency is a technological issue, not just a communication one. Decisions about how software is built and why it’s built in the way that it is lie at the heart of what it means to work in software engineering. Indeed, the industry is in trouble if we can’t see just how important those questions are in relation to everything from system reliability to our collective mental health.tagged: observabilitycomplexity14-03-2019
Cache-Control for Civilians – CSS Wizardry – CSS Architecture, Web Performance Optimisation, and more, by Harry RobertsThe best request is the one that never happens: in the fight for fast websites, avoiding the network is far better than hitting the network at all. To this end, having a solid caching strategy can make all the difference for your visitors.tagged: caching-stragegiescahe14-03-2019
The Great Convergence of Design, Consulting and EngineeringOne of the clearest trends in professional firms today is the convergence of the disciplines of design, business consulting and software engineering on the same client business challenges. This Great Convergence is pitting firms of radically different types against each other in the battle to best serve the client, and it’s creating new types of hybrid firms that are combining these diverse skills with impressive marketplace results.tagged: convergencebisdev14-03-2019
CodeSandbox: Online Code Editor Tailored for Web Application DevelopmentThe online code editor for Webtagged: 13-03-2019
Image Manipulation for Developers | CloudinaryWhether your web application supports user uploaded images, you deliver static images, or you display profile pictures from social networks, you probably need to manipulate them to fit the graphic design of your Web site or mobile application.Cloudinary allows you to easily transform your images on-the-fly to any required format, style and dimension, and also optimizes images for minimal file size alongside high visual quality for an improved user experience and minimal bandwidth. You can do all of this by implementing dynamic image transformation and delivery URLs. You can change the required transformations at any time. All transformed images are created on-demand (lazily) and delivered to your users through a fast CDN with optimized caching.For example, you can resize and crop images, deliver them using the image format that fits your needs, and/or apply a variety of filters and effects. You can also use our smart cropping techniques, including face-detection or auto-gravity for cropping based on the most relevant parts of uploaded photos. For complex transformations, you can use the Management Console or Admin API for defining named transformations and even run a set of chained transformations on your images. You can also use the Management Console to view delivery usage reports and optimization insights.This page teaches you how Cloudinary transformations work and provides detailed descriptions and use‑case examples for commonly-used transformations.tagged: imagestransformationapi13-03-2019
Mobile UI: Design Trends Setting the Tone for 2019A new spring is here, which is exciting because it means that we get to learn new things, try out new design tools, and simply have fun while doing what we love to do.tagged: designtrendsaria13-03-2019
"Work In Progress" Merge Requests | GitLab"Work In Progress" Merge Requeststagged: gitlabwip13-03-2019
Accessibility InsightsSolve accessibility issues before they reach your customers.tagged: accessibilitymicrosoftweb13-03-2019
The Developer CoefficientC-level executives overwhelmingly report that developers help their companies in critical ways. The best developers build new products, services, and entire businesses. Collectively, developers have the ability to raise global GDP by $3 trillion over the next 10 years.tagged: developerbusinessmodel13-03-2019
See No Evil: Hidden Content and Accessibility - Cloud FourWhen I first started learning web development I thought hiding content was simple: slap display: none; onto your hidden element and call it a day. Since then I’ve learned about screen readers, ARIA attributes, the HTML5 hidden attribute, and more!It’s important to ensure our websites are accessible to everyone, regardless of whether or not they use a screen reader, but with this myriad of options, how do we know when to use what?There are four main scenarios where you may wish to hide content:1. Hiding content for everyone, regardless of whether they use a screen reader2. Hiding content for screen readers while showing it to other users3. Showing additional content for screen readers while hiding it from other users4. Hiding content at specific screen sizesLet’s dive deeper into each of those scenarios to learn how to handle them.tagged: cssaccessibilityhiding07-03-2019
(4) This is Jamboard - YouTubeJamboard, our cloud-based collaborative, digital whiteboard, is generally available for purchase in the United States.tagged: jamcollaborationtouch07-03-2019
Did you know that CSS Custom Properties can handle images too? | CSS-TricksSo you might be aware of CSS Custom Properties that let you set a variable, such as a theme color, and then apply it to multiple classes like this:tagged: cssvariable-fonts06-03-2019
Having an open dialog | scottohara.metldr; I’m just going to say right now that the dialog element and its polyfill are not suitable for use in production. And it’s been that way since the dialog’s earliest implementation in Chrome, six-ish years ago.tagged: htmldialog05-03-2019
Feature Flag and Toggle Management For Continuous Delivery - LaunchDarklyEliminate risk and deliver value using feature management in your development cycles. Deploy code when you want. Release features when you're ready. Control your users' experience.tagged: flagstestingcontinuousdelivery05-03-2019